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Reaching Your Target Audience on Social Media Platforms

Published November 6th, 2017 by Servistree

Social media platforms are a valuable marketing tool for your business. The average social media platform gives you the chance to research your target audience and reach people who would have an interest in your product or service. In order to receive the maximum benefit from social media, you need to first attract your target audience.

A social media page is nothing without a great profile. Every social media page should include valuable information about the business, including the services you provide or the products you sell.  Also keep in mind that a great looking design that’s consistent with your brand is just as important as the text you use to describe your business.

Once you’ve properly set up and optimized your profile, you’ll need to start posting regularly. The absolute minimum is one post per week, but your page will benefit tremendously by more frequent updates, if you can swing it.

There is nothing that attracts people more than a good contest or promotion since it keeps them tuned in to what you have to say.  This is a terrific way to rapidly gain followers. If you want to keep your followers truly engaged, weekly contests will keep them on their toes. Running contests and special promotions increases brand awareness and ensures people know who you are. This can make a world of difference when it comes time to choosing you over your competition.

Another good way to draw traffic to your social media page is to become an expert in your industry. How?  Start by sharing valuable tips in your area of expertise. For example, if you are a cleaning company, convey some priceless tips for getting certain stains out of carpeting. You still want people to use your services, so don’t give away too much information, however.. The information should be valuable to your followers and keep them tuned in for more. Helpful tips can also create a buzz on your profile, which can draw in new eyes – and potentially new customers!

Are you struggling to get your social media marketing campaign off the ground?  Do you need someone to help you with your social media strategy? If so, call us at 866-944-3244 or email us at We’d be happy to put together a custom strategy, as well as implement it.  

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